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Sorrel Red Veined (9cm Pot)

Product Code: 249997

OL Kitchen Garden 9cm £3.59 - Buy 3+ £3.29

  • Sorrel leaves have a tangy taste, with hints of citrus. They may be harvested as a baby leaf and used in salads, but can also be harvested when mature and cooked like spinach.
  • Foliage: Deciduous. Habit: Clump fomring
  • Position: Full sun, Partial shade. Aspect: South-facing or West-facing
  • Soil: Chalk, Loam, Sand. Moisture: Well-drained. pH: Acid, Neutral
  • Ultimate height: 0.5-1 metres. Ultimate spread: 0-0.1 metre. Time to ultimate height: 2-5 years
  • Suggested planting locations: Flower borders and beds, Cottage and informal gardens, Wildflower meadows, Wildlife gardens
13 available
This sorrel is a beautiful and unusual culinary herb. It is a very useful perennial with a productive season which runs from March until the first frosts.Of all the various types of sorrel this is the most ornamental, with striking bright red veins and mid-ribs. As well as traditional planting in the vegetable garden it is certainly attractive enough for the flower border, and will make a dramatic specimen if grown in a container. Just remember that it will need extra watering if pot grown.